In the contemporary context, where we live under the dominance of an incessant, global flow of digital images, the magazine appropriates, reconfigures, and presents this visual universe, creating a space for pause, reflection, and critique.
“When I speak of time, it is not yetWhen I speak of a place, it has disappearedWhen I speak of time, it already is no more”
“Everything has to be reconstructed every day, every hour, every moment in my own brain and in the brain of the other.” “Metaphors for the mind”
THE-ICONOMIST is a third generation research project, an artist’s magazine and observatory founded in 2021.
About, Index, Issues,Collection, Contact,
Nº 6 — To consume/To wasteNº 5 — To watch/To speculateNº 4 — To ask/To answerNº 3 — To catalogueNº 2 — To wearNº 1 — To collect
POINT_OF_NO_RETURN.MP42025, 7m45s, color, sound,