
100 Blows, 2022. Video, color, no sound, 15s.

XXXSpace, 2022. HD video, color, sound, 18m10s.

The concept of “iconomy” originated as a neologism coined in 2006 by economist Gilson Schwartz. Schwartz judged that “in this iconomy, the nomos is defined by the icon, by something that is tangible, which is a visual, immaterial, real, and symbolic code at the same time…this iconomy that messes with our way of thinking, measuring,

STAYNONSTOP is a photobook consisting of a selection of 130 images generated by artificial intelligence. The images are accompanied by fragments of artists’ texts from different sources. The name of the book comes from a reflection on how addictive these image production processes through artificial intelligence can be, like everything these days. By placing these

GEN3_This zine presents the editorial principles of THE-ICONOMIST, a “third generation” magazine that explores iconomy and the circulation of images in the digital age. Based on the concept of “iconomy”, coined by Gilson Schwartz, and Vilém Flusser’s thoughts on technical images, The Iconomist proposes a critical practice of appropriation, reorganization and re-signification of the contemporary ti_zine_1_gen3