ISSUE Nº 6 — To consume/To waste \ISSUE Nº 6 — To consume/To wasteDecember 2024/January 2025. The ICONOMIST Issue 6 presents itself as a visual and textual essay examining the scars of a society sickened by late capitalism. Inspired by the seminal texts Junkspace by Rem Koolhaas and Infraordinary by Georges Perec, this edition not … the-iconomist_issue_6_to_consume_to_waste
Nº 5. Inaugurating its new volume of publications, THE-ICONOMIST presents an unusual thematic dossier built around the verbs “To watch” and “To speculate”. Inspired by excerpts from Michel Foucault’s book “Discipline and Punish: The Birth of The Prison” and William Shakespeare’s poem “All The World’s A Stage”, we explore the complex issues of surveillance in … the-iconomist-issue-5-the-world-is-a-stage-2024
Through this volume, we address crucial themes such as privacy and power, violence and social behavior, technology and ethics. In addition, we have enriched our analysis with selected texts by renowned authors such as Octavia Butler, Don DeLillo, Jean Baudrillard, Thomas Elsaesser, Anne Carson, Guy Debord, Marshall McLuhan and Barbara Kruger, among others. This new … the-iconomist-n5-the-world-as-a-stage-spreads
“PROPOSALS FOR A POST-PORTRAIT”, 2022-2023seventy-nine digital images, 1024x1024px eachpart of the “ARTIFICIAL” collection