Imagem de separação

STAYNONSTOP is a photobook consisting of a selection of 130 images generated by artificial intelligence. The images are accompanied by fragments of artists’ texts from different sources. The name of the book comes from a reflection on how addictive these image production processes through artificial intelligence can be, like everything these days. By placing these images in confrontation with the text fragments, we try to force new readings and the creation of new contexts different from the ones used to generate the images.

138 pages, 19×19 cm, softcover and perfect-bound. Shipping worldwide.

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Imagem de separação

rescues calf
from neighbor’s frozen
pond using a lasso: video; Why
Warner Bros., Facebook, Equinox
want to be
your office landlord;
Canadian who blamed government
for wildfires guilty
of starting 14 himself; I’m a 4-foot
fashionista taking
the runway by storm — I’ve never
let my short stature
hold me back;