

Nº 5. Inaugurating its new volume of publications, THE-ICONOMIST presents an unusual thematic dossier built around the verbs “To watch” and “To speculate”. Inspired by excerpts from Michel Foucault’s book “Discipline and Punish: The Birth of The Prison” and William Shakespeare’s poem “All The World’s A Stage”, we explore the complex issues of surveillance in the-iconomist-issue-5-the-world-is-a-stage-2024


Nº2 — To wear. THE ICONOMIST’s new thematic dossier is out. At first glance, a fashion magazine, or something other than a style magazine, with models and their looks made of improbable mixtures, speculations around accumulation and consumption. How to wear images? How to wear what’s left of an exhausted world? Artificial armor, mountains of the_iconomist_issue_2_to_wear