
Nº 4 — To ask/To Answer/To refuse. Introducing THE ICONOMIST’s latest thematic dossier. For the edition that closes the first of four editions of the magazine, we embarked on the world of interviews and questionnaires. What is a photograph? What is photography? What is an image? In addition to these questions, we also took inspiration theiconomist_issue4_cover

Nº 3 — To catalogue. Introducing THE ICONOMIST’s latest thematic dossier. This edition takes inspiration from art magazines and catalogues to curate a collection of images that provoke and question our relationship with artwork documentation in the age of artificial intelligence. All the clichés of the art world are represented, the artist’s studio, the the the_iconomist_issue3

Nº2 — To wear. THE ICONOMIST’s new thematic dossier is out. At first glance, a fashion magazine, or something other than a style magazine, with models and their looks made of improbable mixtures, speculations around accumulation and consumption. How to wear images? How to wear what’s left of an exhausted world? Artificial armor, mountains of the_iconomist_issue_2_to_wear

Nº1 — To collect. We are happy to present the first thematic dossier of THE ICONOMIST. We explore the world of collecting and the people who do it. We look at the phenomenon of collecting from a variety of perspectives. All images in the issue were generated through artificial intelligence, as well as some texts, the_iconomist_issue_1